I enact and perpetuate

I become

I succumb to

The motions I enact and perpetuate can be interrupted at any moment rather than continuing or repeating the action. A single second is not enough to consider these motions full, they’re hungry and need tending to to accumulate to make the action recognizable. The follow through and continuation is what defines the motion.

begins making

begins excavating

The motions I become
are embodied states. I become an orientation which can be altered and navigated while in motion. The moment I become the motion is the motion in full. I do not need to persevere to continue, but allow the continuation of the state which I carry/embody. The moment of arriving into the state has a definitive threshold. It is my choice to initiate crossing this threshold.

begins to reach

The motions I succumb to
are inevitable once the conditions for them to arrive arrive. To alter the direction of the motion, the motion would need to stop entirely and rebegin for the direction to be altered.

begins aging

begins laughing